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Austin Mennonite Church wants to be a place where joy is found, where love is experienced, where all are welcomed and loved as they are and invited into a new kind of family. Our ministries are meant to be vehicles for connection. We are always seeking to expand our capacity to be the welcoming community in which you want to take part. Though we are smaller church community, we love with big hearts. We invite you to come and be welcomed warmly. You are invited to come as you are. God loves you for who you are and we want to also. Here are just some of the ministry opportunities offered by those who call Austin Mennonite Church home.

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Kid's Ministry

We love and cherish kids at AMC! We have a 9:30am faith formation class for kids, ages kindergarten to 6th grade, where they get to sing songs and hear about the love of God, and practice sharing God's love with each other. During worship time, there is a weekly Children's Story time as part of our worship gathering when kids can come up to the front to hear someone share on their level about the biblical texts for that day. Kids of all ages are welcome to participate. Then pre-k to elementary kids can go to a table in the back of the sanctuary we call the "Prayground" where they get to color and do craft activities during worship. We offer nursery care for babies to pre-k with leaders who have undergone our safety background check. And, of course, kids and babies are always welcome to stay with parents.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry

We have a lively group of youth and young adults who love to hang out and learn together. They meet at 9:30am on Sundays for faith formation hour before the regular worship gathering. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all young people, especially LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, to explore and deepen their faith. Through engaging activities, discussions, and prayer, we hope to inspire and empower our youth and young adults to live out their faith on the daily. We also love to do fun planned activities outside of Sundays. You are invited to join us on this journey of faith and growth!

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Small Groups

Austin Mennonite Church likes to get together, even apart from Sunday gatherings. So we offer some small groups that allow us to grow in relationship with each other and with Jesus. Some of our current groups are: Tavern Theology, which meets on the first Thursday, usually; and Online Women's Group, which meets via Zoom on third Thursdays. There are more groups starting in fall! See our full events calendar for more info.

Annual Pancake Breakfast

This is a ministry that is near and dear to so many hearts of those at AMC and in the neighborhood we serve. The Annual Rebecca Lowe Pancake Breakfast raises money to provide college scholarships for high school seniors in Windsor Park neighborhood. We love our neighborhood, we love education, and we love pancakes! What more need to be said?

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Pastoral Counseling

Our pastor holds a Master of Arts in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling, and she loves to meet one-on-one, or with couples or families, to offer pastoral counseling. (She is not licensed and refers out for certain mental health counseling needs.) Pastor Kim does not currently offer pastoral counseling to those outside the AMC community, but know that her services are available to all regular attenders and they are always welcome to schedule counseling hours with her.

Marriage Preparation

Pastor Kim loves to meet with couples as they prepare to commit their lives to one another in marriage. She is a certified Prepare/Enrich counselor and uses many of their materials for pre-marital counseling. She is honored when chosen to share the wedding experience with a couple by marrying them.


Ministry Partners

These are some of the ministry organizations we partner with and support.

Austin Mennonite Church is a member of the Western District Conference of Mennonite Church USA.




5801 Westminster Drive

Austin, Texas 78723

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